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LMUN 2018

The La Martiniere Model United Nations 2018 was held from the 2nd to the 4th of November. The committees were:


  1. United Nations General Assembly: 2nd Committee (ECOFIN): Discussing the role of Shell Corporations in enabling International Criminal Fraud and Money Laundering.


  1. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC): 1) The violation of Human Rights by State actors in the guise of National Emergencies and Crises.

3. Popularization of Hate Speech and its scope of operation under the Freedom of Speech.


  1. United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC): Ensuring the healthy development of Artificial Intelligence.


  1. United Nations Security Council Evaluating the effectiveness of Visa Blockades and Travel Bans in maintaining International Peace and Security.


  1. UN-WATER: Discussing the Jordan River Crisis with special emphasis on its impact on the situation in Syria.


  1. African Union (AU): Developing Transnational Transportation and Infrastructure with Special Emphasis on Maintenance of Security.


  1. Meeting of the Black Panther Party (1971): Adoption of Methods to Counter Institutional Racism and Achieve Equality in the United States of America.


  1. National Security Council Of India: Strategic Policy Group: Reforming the Indian Defence Sector with Special Emphasis on the Manufacture and Proliferation of Advanced Weaponry in India.


  1. Ministerial Cabinet of the 3rd Borissov Government: Elimination of Organised Crime Groups Operating in Bulgaria.


  1. Ad-Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General- Assembly of the Ministers of the Kingdom. Internal and Geopolitical Situation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


There were many international issues as the Committees’ agendas. Two of the committees even had tedious midnight sessions. Honorable members of our society, who came in as different keynote speakers, addressed the young delegates. The First two evenings were made lively by the ‘Delegate Evening’ (a succession of rock band performances) and the ‘Fellowship'(social) respectively. The whole conference was a huge success as delegates from all round India attended it and were chaired by an international executive board known as Agnese Cigliano.


Posted on: 4 Nov, 2018