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Special Education & Counselling Services

During the course of the academic programme, it is sometimes noticed that boys display signs of difficulty in learning due to inherent weaknesses. La Martiniere College has established a Cell for Special Education, wherein boys are screened for the particular type of disability noticed. If necessary, formal documentation after tests, may be required from the approved professionals. For this, adjustments are made in the process of teaching / learning, the curriculum is modified and assessments made comfortable for the benefit of the pupil. Parents are encouraged to use the services of this Special Education Cell. The Head of the respective Section may be contacted for this.
Counselling, in its widest application is provided by the qualified trained Counsellor. This is from the junior-most classes. Boys with difficulties – emotional, psychological, relationships, etc. – may be referred to the Counsellor, or may seek assistance individually. Parents are advised to meet the Counsellor in the event of any issue regarding the well-being of their son. This shall be dealt with confidentially and with professionalism. The Head of the respective Section may be contacted for this.