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College Notice No. 110

Click to view : College Notice No. 110


Results of Online Flash Art Competition

Click to view : Results of Online Flash Art Competition


NIT AC Spence Hall Retender

Click to view : NIT AC Spence Hall Retender


NIT ABRSM Studio Retender

Click to view : NIT ABRSM Studio Retender


Inter School Taekwondo Championship 2022

La Martiniere College Lucknow, Participated in the 18th Inter School Taekwondo Championship 2022 which was organized by Hoerner College Lucknow on the 27th August 2022

The results are as follows :-


Anvay Pandey

Class 2



Syed Mohd. Arshan

Class 2



Arfan Shabbir

Class 5



Krishang Bhardwaj

Class 5



Premansh Verma

Class 5



Ahmad Hamd

Class 6



Yash Awasthi

Class 11



Glen Andrew Roberts

Class 12



Coach: Mr. Jawed Khan & Mr. Amay Chauhan


AISCE Under-19 Zonal B Cricket Tournament

In the AISCE Under-19 Zonal B Cricket Tournament La Martiniere College Lucknow, won the tournament by defeating CMS Rajendra Nagar Branch by 8 Wickets in the Final match.
CMS, Rajendra Nagar Branch scored 78 Runs in 15 overs and La Martiniere College chased the score in 8 overs at the loss of 2 Wickets.
Rishi Aryan was the top scorer, who scored 28 runs in 15 balls; Arham Khan took two wickets and also scored 25 runs. He was declared the Man of the Match in Semi Final and Final matches.
In the first Match against St. Francis College the La Martiniere College won by 118 runs, Abhijay made a hatrick and took 4 wickets in all, whereas Sooraj scored 45 runs with total six 6s and 3 sixes in succession; Arham Scored 65 runs with nine 4s and three 6s. In this match Abhijay Singh was declared the Man of the Match.
The team in AISCE Under-19 Zonal B Cricket Tournament was
1- Rishi Aryan (Captain)
2- Devansh Sahi (Vice Captain)
3- Arham Khan
4- Vyom Gupta
5- Sooraj
6- AviralSingh
7- Tanay Tripathi
8- Aridaman Singh
9- Prateek Narayan Mishra
10- Tejas Rastogi
11- Anay Dhasmana
12- Yashveer Singh
13- Devansh Singh
14- Abhijay Singh
15- Rilewsh Kushwaha
16- Suraj Yadav
The following boys have been selected to represent AISCE Regional, Under-19 Cricket Team to be held in Lucknow at Seth Anand Ram Jaipuria School
1- Rishi Aryan
2- Devansh Sahi
3- Arham Khan
4- Vyom Gupta
5- AviralSingh
6- Tanay Tripathi
7- Aridaman Singh
8- Prateek Narayan Mishra
*Sooraj and Abhijay Singh have been selected to represent Regional Team for Under-14 age group.
*Coach Mr Ashish Shukla has been selected as the Coach for Under-19 Regional Cricket Team.

NIT IC Computers

Click to view : NIT IC Computers


NIT Activity Facility

Click to view : NIT Activity Facility


22nd UP Inter-School Shooting Championship

6 pupils of La Martiniere College, Lucknow have been selected to represent the State at the All India Inter-Schools competition Tiruvanthapuram, Kerela. The boys selected are:

Rifle event:

Akshar Mishra

Ark Kapoor

Ayan Sharma

Arihant Pratap Singh

Pistol Event:

Raghuraj Mani Tripathi

Aditya Saurabh

Congratulations to all the boys!


ला मार्टीनियर साहित्य महोत्सव

ला मार्टीनियर साहित्य महोत्सव, २०२२ का कवि सम्मेलन पहुँचा सफलता के शीर्ष पर, मोंटफोर्ट कॉलेज, लखनऊ को मिला महोत्सव के सर्वश्रेष्ठ विद्यालय होने का गौरव
अपनी स्थापना के १७६ वर्ष व्यतीत कर चुके ला मार्टीनियर कॉलेज, लखनऊ ने १ सितंबर से ३ सितंबर तक हिन्दी साहित्य महोत्सव, २०२२ का आयोजन किया, जिसमें तीनों दिन वाद-विवाद, आशु-भाषण एवं कविता-पाठ प्रतियोगिताएँ सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न हुईं। देशभर से लगभग चालीस विद्यालयों ने इन प्रतियोगिताओं में आभासी माध्यम से प्रतिभागिता की और अंतिम दिन पुरस्कार भी प्राप्त किए। इस बार लखनऊ के मोंटफोर्ट इंटर कॉलेज ने सम्पूर्ण महोत्सव के सर्वश्रेष्ठ विद्यालय होने का गौरव प्राप्त किया। साहित्य महोत्सव का दूसरा दिन छात्रों, शिक्षकों व पूरे विद्यालय के लिए विशेष उत्साह और आनंद के पल तब लेकर आया, जब सायंकाल ६ बजे एक से बढ़कर एक देश के सुप्रसिद्ध कवियों ने विद्यालय के ऐतिहासिक स्पेंस हॉल के मंच से कवि सम्मेलन ‘संभावना : उर से उरों को जोड़ने की’ में विद्यालय के छात्रावासी छात्रों, शिक्षकों, पदाधिकारियों एवं उपस्थित गणमान्य अतिथियों को हास्य, वीर और शृंगार रस की अद्भुत रस-वर्षा में ऐसा भिगोया कि कार्यक्रम निर्धारित समय से भी अधिक देर तक चलता रहा। सभी अपनी जगह से हिलने का नाम नहीं ले रहे थे। कवि सम्मेलन का प्रारंभ विद्यालय की कक्षा दस के छात्रावासी छात्र ऐन्स्लेम इमेनुएल जोसेफ द्वारा की गई सरस्वती वंदना से हुआ। पूर्व में कई बार निर्णायक बनकर आ चुके स्वर्गीय डॉ निर्मल दर्शन जी की पावन स्मृति को समर्पित उन्हीं का प्रसिद्ध गीत ‘तरुणाई’ विद्यालय की कक्षा सात के विद्यार्थी प्रसिद्ध राघव ने उन्हीं की शैली में प्रस्तुत कर श्रोताओं को भाव-विभोर कर दिया। उभरती युवा कवयित्री पूनम मिश्रा ने मुक्तकों और गीत से सुन्दर शुरुआत की। ओज के सुविख्यात कवि प्रमोद द्विवेदी प्रमोद ने अपने ओजस्वी स्वर में घनाक्षरी छंदों के माध्यम से भारत-भूमि को नमन किया वहीं डॉ अरविंद झा ने अपने छंदो की पिचकारी में हास्य रस भर सभी श्रोताओं को खूब गुदगुदाया। कवयित्री सरला शर्मा अस्मा ने छात्रों के मन को पढ़कर, उनकी आयु के अनुसार उन्हें प्रेरित किया, संदेश भी दिया और प्रेम के हर पक्ष को अपने मुक्तकों और गीतों के माध्यम से उजागर किया। उन्हें छात्रों ने इतना पसंद किया कि उनके काव्य-पाठ के बाद सभी एक साथ अपने-अपने स्थान से खड़े होकर करतल ध्वनि से उनका
करते रहे। वीर रस के कवि अभय सिंह निर्भीक ने अपनी कविता “आओ हम सब भारत घूमें” के माध्यम से भारत की साहित्यिक, सांस्कृतिक, प्राकृतिक तथा भौगोलिक सुंदर यात्रा अपने सुघड़ शब्दों के माध्यम से करवाई और एक मार्मिक गीत शहीद के पुत्र की भावना व्यक्त करते हुए सुनाया जिसे सुनकर उपस्थित सभी श्रोताओं की आंखें नम हो गई। उनके काव्य-पाठ को भी श्रोताओं ने अपने स्थान पर खड़े होकर तालियों की निरंतरता से सम्मानित किया। विद्यालय के हिन्दी विभाग के शिक्षक जितेन्द्र मिश्र ने भी इस अवसर पर अपने संदेश परक मुक्तक व गीत प्रस्तुत कर छात्रों की खूब तालियाँ बटोरीं। कवि सम्मेलन के संयोजक और संचालक डॉ अमित अवस्थी ने छात्रों को मन की बात लिखने के लिए प्रेरित करते हुए “कोरे कागज़ पर लिखना तुम लिखना मन की बात, साँझ सकारे लिखना या फिर लिखना आधी रात।” सुनाकर मोबाइल पर संदेश टाइप करने के साथ-साथ हाथों से चिट्ठी लिखकर अपनों से संवाद बनाए रखने को कहा। अंत में सम्मेलन के अध्यक्ष, देश के सुप्रसिद्ध हास्य-व्यंग्यकार मुकुल महान ने सरकारी अस्पतालों की खस्ता हालत पर चुटकी लेते हुए प्रशासन को स्वास्थ्य सेवाएँ दुरुस्त रखने का संदेश दिया। उनकी ‘एकतरफ़ा प्रेम’ कविता ने भी लोगों को जी खोलकर हँसने पर मजबूर कर दिया। कार्यक्रम के संयोजक डॉ अमित अवस्थी ने बताया कि
सम्मेलन के विशिष्ट अतिथि चेतना साहित्य परिषद के संरक्षक रत्नेश गुप्ता ने पूरे कवि सम्मेलन में अपनी गरिमामयी उपस्थिति बनाए रखकर सभी का उत्साहवर्धन किया। सम्पूर्ण महोत्सव के मुख्य आयोजक विद्यालय के प्रधानाचार्य कार्लाइल मैक्फॉर्लैंड को उनके सहयोग एवं मार्गदर्शन के लिए आयोजन समिति के छात्रों ने मिलकर सम्मान किया। कार्यक्रम के अंत में सभी का आभार भी प्रधानाचार्य ने व्यक्त किया। कार्यक्रम में ‘राष्ट्रीय प्रस्तावना’ के संस्थापक संजीव कुमार श्रीवास्तव, संपादक हरनाथ सिंह समेत विनोद शंकर शुक्ल, योगी योगेश शुक्ल, डाॅ राजीव वर्मा वत्सल, रचना सिंह, निर्भय नारायण गुप्त, डॉ अवधी हरि, मुकेश कुमार मिश्र, डॉ कीर्ति अवस्थी, उज्ज्वल त्रिवेदी, आरती त्रिवेदी आदि कवि-साहित्यकारों के साथ ही विद्यालय के उप प्रधानाचार्य पी वी कॉलिंस, हिन्दी विभागाध्यक्ष देशबंधु त्रिपाठी, डीन एलेन मॉरिसन, हडसन हाउस मास्टर नीरज श्रीवास्तव, मीडिया विभाग के सहयोगी शिक्षक दुष्यंत कुमार श्रीवास्तव तथा हिन्दी विभाग के शिक्षक एवं शिक्षिकाएँ संजय त्रिपाठी, नागेश कुमार शुक्ला, राजू त्रिपाठी, दुष्यंत शुक्ला, जितेंद्र मिश्र, अनुपमा श्रीवास्तव, साधना श्रीवास्तव, डॉली मिश्रा, सुषमा उपाध्याय, खुशबू मिश्रा, श्रीमती मोहन, जूली सिंह के अतिरिक्त अन्य विभागों के शिक्षक मनोज तिवारी, हितेश केसवानी, कृष्णानंद सिंह विनय मिश्र, नागेशदत्त शर्मा, जे वी एन राव आदि भी कार्यक्रम में अंत तक बने रहे।

National boxing Tournament

Making it to the big league. Martiniere boys win medals at the national boxing tournament, representing Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand.
Arbaaz Sheikh 🥇 and Piyush Jaiswal 🥇 – Gold
Abbas Kazmi 🥈 – Silver
Rudra Mishra 🥉 – Bronze



ला मार्टीनियर हिन्दी साहित्य महोत्सव

Click to view : ला मार्टीनियर हिन्दी साहित्य महोत्सव,२०२२ , ०१-०३ सितम्बर समापन समारोह


कवि सम्मलेन , हिन्दी साहित्य महोत्सव – २०२२

Click to view : Live Streaming of कवि सम्मलेन , हिन्दी साहित्य महोत्सव – २०२२


Closing Ceremony of La Martiniere Creative Fest,

Welcome to the closing ceremony of La Martiniere Creative Fest, 2022.

CREATIVE FEST 2022 aims at providing a common platform for students from across the globe to showcase their talent through the medium of cinema. By providing this oportunity to students, we aim to bring out their creative potential and help them build relationships while understanding
different perspectives.

Do have a look at the entries of the various schools that took part in this competition by clicking the link here


Click link to view : Closing Ceremony of La Martiniere Creative Fest




CISCE Regional Mussorie 2022

La Martiniere College boys won 2 gold a and 1 silver, 1 bronze 2 runners up trophy in cisce regional Mussorie 2022
Abuzar Farhat gold under 19
Arihant Pratap Singh under 14 gold
Hidayata ullah Faizan under 17 Silver
Ark Kapoor under 17 bronze


Seventh edition of Model United Nations

A delegation of 32 boys participated in the Seventh edition of La Martiniere Girls’ Model United Nations with Kritin Bhasin serving as the Head Delegate for this conference.

The following boys won awards:

1. Vinayak Tandon representing People’s Republic of China in United Nations Security Council won the Best Delegate Award.

2. Shaurya Rautela representing Japan in United Nations High Commission on Science and Technology for Development won the Best Delegate award.

3. Aaron Choudhary representing Leonid Petrovsky in JCC-2 won the Best Delegate Award.

4. Ameya Gupta representing Erich Von Manstein in JCC-1 won the High Commendation award.

5. Aviral Singh representing United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in United Nations High Commission on Science and Technology for Development won the High Commendation award.

6. Shreyansh Singhal representing Republic of Korea in United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice won the High Commendation award.

7. Kritin Bhasin representing Russian Federation in United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees won the Special Mention award.

8. Kushagra Srivastava representing Fedor Von Bock in JCC-1 won the Special Mention award.

9. Avin Prakash representing Russian Federation in United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice won the Special Mention award.

10. Atharva Jain representing Nikolay Gerasimovich Kuznetsov in JCC-2 won the Special Mention award.

The delegation from La Martiniere College, Lucknow won the Best Delegation award.


College Notice No 95

Click to view : College Notice No 95


The Inter Martiniere Meet 2022

The Inter Martiniere Meet made a much-awaited comeback to Lucknow after a period of three years. The Kolkata teams were warmly welcomed into both the girls’ and the boys’ campus. The event was broken down into debates, swimming, basketball and football. It being the 75th edition of the same, the meet’s precedence was increased even further.

The event kicked off with the laying of wreaths at the founder’s tomb, a prestigious ceremony which was dutifully carried on by the authorities.

The first event to take place was the debate on the 22nd of August at 7:30 pm in Spence Hall. The Lucknow team was led by Syed Mohammad Ayaan Rizvi, who was ably supported by Kritin Bhasin, Devang Pratap Singh and Vinayak Tandon. The Kolkata team was represented by Pradyumn Nahata, Aarav Midha, Anuj Poddar and Nikhilesh Mukherjee. The topic under discussion was “The technology that connects us, also controls us.” Our home team was speaking for the motion. Spence Hall echoed with cheers and slogans by both sides as emotions were high. It was a closely contested debate with Kolkata standing as winners in the end with Nikhilesh bagging the best speaker award.

On the 23rd, we got to see the swimming teams in action. The home team was led by Smarth Jain whereas the Kolkata team was led by Vignesh Kajaria. The event was broken down into three divisions, namely Division A, B and C. The Kolkata team showed their mastery and finesse in the sport. Despite our team’s commendable effort, Kolkata was exceptional as evident by the final score of 240-104, in favour of Kolkata.

The next and the last event was the football match, the Lucknow team was led by Wali Hussain and the Kolkata team was led by Prawal Basnet. It was held at the Polo ground on a warm and sunny day. Before the match the Equestrian team displayed their skills. With much pomp and excitement, the match started. What followed was something no one could ever have imagined, as our Football Team in the first half were winning by 6-1, which was almost doubled in the next as the final score read 11-1. The football team was rightly celebrated by the boys and even by our Principal, Mr Carlyle McFarland, who granted a holiday on the special request of our captain Wali. Later in the evening, both the girls’ and boys’ contingent came together in the Spence Hall for the socials which were thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

The Kolkata team was shown around the school on the 25th and were given a tour of the museum after which they left taking along with them an unforgettable experience and happy memories.

With this the 75th Inter Martiniere Meet came to an end.




College Notice No. 94



College Notice No. 93

Click to View : College Notice No. 93


Hindi Entertainment Program

The Annual Hindi Entertainment Program was held on the evening of the 15th of August at Spence Hall, to celebrate the occasion of the 75th Independence Day.

Naqi Mirza, the anchor, invited the Principal, the Vice Principal, the Bursar, and the Head of Departments to light the lamp, officially starting the program. A total of seventeen performances were showcased by the boys from departments. Starting off with the dance dedicated to Goddess Durga, performed by the boys of the junior school, followed by the Nukkad Natak, dedicated to spread awareness about the cons of spitting in public areas performed by the senior most boys of the college. The choir of the preparatory department, the junior school and the senior school, and the band performances filled the audience with great enthusiasm. “Taj Mahal Ka Udghatan” – a play targeting the corrupt system of today was performed by the boys of the senior school. Following that, was the highlight of the evening – a dance performance by the boys of the boarding house, with their stunts and the formation of the human pyramid which touched the top of Spence Hall stage.

The event concluded with the audience praising the efforts and time put into the program by the children as well as the staff. The Principal praised each one who worked tirelessly to put up the best entertainment program.


Revamping of the Library

On the 1st of August, 2022 the junior most section of our school, that is the preparatory department; for the students of nursery and preparatory, were gifted with a brand new and revamped library, inaugurated by the Principal Mr. C.A McFarland in the presence of the HOD of the department and the teachers who were delighted by the change. The library now comes well equipped with the latest infrastructure and books appropriate for the young children to joyously read. Mr. Deepak Bajaj, an alumnus of the school and Mrs. Swatee Bajaj were the ones to sponsor this revamping of the library. The college is extremely grateful of their contribution to not just the library but also to the boys who are sure to enjoy the new facilities in their quests to read and learn.


Martin Memorial Debate

Martin Memorial Debate is an Inter School debate competition, conducted every year between La Martiniere College and La Martiniere Girls’ College. This year it was held on the 29th of July and hosted by La Martiniere College.
Over the years, the Martin Memorial Cup has been passed between the two schools with a fair degree of similarity. The Cup was established by our former principal, Mr. Elton D’Souza, who also introduced debating in the girls college.
The topic under fire for the debate read ‘Euthanasia is murder not liberation’. The arguments presented by both, side proposition and opposition, were undeniably strong making it a difficult decision for the panel of judges which included few of the most eminent personalities including Mrs. Siama Khan , (an educator and counsellor) along with Mrs. Madhumita Bose (Advocate – The Central Electricity Regulation Commission), and Mrs Siddhart Kapoor (Director – Modern School) .
Proposing the motion was La Martiniere College represented by Syed Mohd. Ayaan Rizvi as the principal or first speaker, Siddhart Mishra as the second speaker, Varnit Pandey as the third speaker and Vinayak Tandon as the fourth speaker. Opposing the motion was the team of La Martiniere Girls’ College represented by Saanvi Ganguly, Almas Fatima Baqri, Aaratrika Tewari and Varangi Singh as the first, second, third and fourth speakers respectively.
The arguments presented by both the sides revolved around the justification of Euthanasia, but the point to trigger one was, whether euthanasia be termed as murder or liberation, the girls’ team, proving that Euthanasia is in fact liberation and not murder, took home the trophy for the year 2022.
Rachit Raaj Sharma


Results of the TALENT HUNT (Classes 1 to 5)

The competition was held on the following dates:

Classes 1 and 2    –        25th July, 2022

Classes 3, 4 and 5 –       26th July, 2022


Class 1        –        1st      –        Ekaagrah Chawla            Class 1D

                             2nd     –        Vishesh Sachdeva          Class 1B

                             3rd      –        Advit Singh Chabra       Class 1E

Class 2        –        1st      –        Jaivik Newar                  Class 2D

                             1st      –        Vivaan Bhargava           Class 2E

                             3rd      –        Aarindam Mishra          Class 2E

Class 3        –        1st      –        Kanwar Tulsiani            Class 3C

                             1st      –        Eshaan Awasthi             Class 3C

                             3rd      –        Shaarav Shankar Sahai Class 3A

                             3rd      –        Md. Muhriz Abul Hasan Class 3E

Class 4        –        1st      –        Ahaan Srivastava          Class 4D

                             2nd     –        Arnav Srivastava           Class 4D

                             3rd      –        Md. Adeeb Khan           Class 4D

                             3rd      –        Vivaan Gupta                Class 4E

Class 5        –        1st      –        Arnav Kumar                 Class 5C

                             2nd     –        Tanishq Kewlani            Class 5B

                             3rd      –        Atharva Chitransh Singh Class 5A

                             3rd      –        Lakshya Lalchandani     Class 5B


Zonal District Roller Skating

The Zonal Lucknow District Roller Skating event was held at La Martiniere College, Lucknow. The event for Zone B was on the 27th of July, whereas, the event for Zone A was on the 28th of July, 2022.
The 27th morning was breezy, and the atmosphere was instilled with enthusiasm. Mr. Manjeet Singh, the General Secretary of Lucknow District Roller Skating Association graced us with his presence and cheer. Formal proceedings commenced with the college captain addressing the crowd.
The skating rink of the college along with the triangular park near gate number 4, served as the venue for the Zonals. There were twelve professionals present, to keep a careful eye on details for each race.
Mr. Naresh Kumar Sagar, the skating coach of La Martiniere College further guided the participants along with the continued support of Mr. A. Mukherjee, Mrs. S. Qadar and Mr. W. Mitson .
On the 28th, the event was disrupted due to the rain and thus, the day was filled up with a tour around the Constantia campus for the officials in-charge.
The day ended with tea and refreshments in front of Stobart Hall after which, everyone bid each other adieu and dispersed after gaining two days of experience and memories in their hearts.
The results of the races held and the prizes won are as follows:

Names of ParticipantsRankAge Group – Type of SkatesLength of Race / No. of Laps
Akshat Soni2ndUnder 14 – Inlines1000 metres (10 laps)
Shaun Munroe1stUnder 17 – Inlines1000 metres (10 laps)
Darsh Gupta1stUnder 19 – Inlines1000 metres (10 laps)
Ankur Jain3rdUnder 19 – Inlines1000 metres (10 laps)
Badal3rdUnder 17 – Quads1000 metres (10 laps)
Asmit Kumar1stUnder 19 – Quads1000 metres (10 laps)
Aron Philip2ndUnder 19 – Quads1000 metres (10 laps)
Samarth Sharma1stUnder 14 – Inlines500 metres (5 laps)
Shaun Munroe1stUnder 17 – Inlines500 metres (5 laps)
Ankur Jain2ndUnder 19 – Inlines500 metres (5 laps)
Joshua Kuzur2ndUnder 17 – Quads500 metres (5 laps)
Ravi Mishra2ndUnder 14 – Quads500 metres (5 laps)
Aron Philip2ndUnder 19 – Quads500 metres (5 laps)


Road Races

Names of ParticipantsRankAge Group – Type of SkatesLength of Race / No. of Laps
Chaitanya Arora1stUnder 17 – Inlines(1 lap)
Arsalan3rdUnder 17 – Inlines(1 lap)
Siddhant Rai2ndUnder 19 – Quads(1 lap)
Joshua Kuzur2ndUnder 17 – Quads3000m
Asmit Kumar1stUnder 19 – Quads3000m
Samarth Sharma1stUnder 14 – Inlines2000m
Chaitanya Arora1stUnder 17 – Inlines3000m
Darsh Gupta1stUnder 19 – Inlines3000m

First Edition of Literary Fest

La Martiniere College participated in the First Edition of St.Xavier’s High School Literary Fest entitled ‘Befriending the Bard’ in Greater Noida on 16th of July,2022. The College was represented by the following boys-
1). Parth Pandey – Monologue and Soliloquy.
2). Jishnu Gupta – The twist in the tale.
3). Vedant Sethh – Word Art.
4). Nabhya Srivastava – Designing a cover page.
Parth Pandey was awarded the 3rd position in the Monologue and Soliloquy recitation competition out of a total of 17 different Schools.




16th U P State shooting Competition

Abaan Aslam of the College shooting team qualified to represent the State of Uttar Pradesh, following his selection at the 16th pre U P State shooting competition held at Aligarh from 20 to 23 July 2022. He qualified in the under 21 clay pigeon trap shooting category.


First Edition of Literary Fest

La Martiniere College participated in the First Edition of St.Xavier’s High School Literary Fest entitled ‘Befriending the Bard’ in Greater Noida on 16th of July,2022. The College was represented by the following boys-

1). Parth Pandey – Monologue and Soliloquy.

2). Jishnu Gupta – The twist in the tale.

3). Vedant Sethh – Word Art.

4). Nabhya Srivastava – Designing a cover page.

Parth Pandey was awarded the 3rd position in the Monologue and Soliloquy recitation competition out of a total of 17 different Schools.




ISC RESULTS 2021- 2022


Spell Bee in the Junior School

Winners of the Spell Bee in the Junior School.

Shaurya Raj Singh 3C
Utkarsh Kumar 4E
Atharv Kumar 5A


ICSE Results 2021- 2022


10th edition of Model United Nations

A delegation of 22 students participated in tenth edition of Jaipuria Model United Nations at Seth M. R. Jaipuria School, Lucknow from 14th to 16th July, 2022. The conference was conducted in an offline format.

Suyash Shukla served as the Head Delegate for the Conference.
The following boys won awards:

1. Suyash Shukla representing Narendra Modi in the Lok Sabha won the Best Delegate Award.

2. Aryan Chowdhury representing Komsomolskaya Pravda in the Global Press Summit won the Best Journalist Award.

3. Aviral Singh representing Jefferson Van Drew in the United States House Committee on Homeland Security won the first High Commendation Award.

4. Rumman Ashfaq Habib representing People’s Republic of China in the United Nations Human Rights Council won the first High Commendation Award.

5. Devvrat Tilak representing Sonia Gandhi in the Lok Sabha won the Best Position Paper, and the Special Mention Award.

6. Ameya Gupta representing the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations Security Council won the Special Mention Award.

7. Aden McFarland served as a photographer in the Global Press Summit and won the Special Mention Award.

8. Atharv Awasthi representing Brazil in the United Nations Human Rights Council won the Special Mention Award.

9. Atharva Jain representing the Republic of Sri Lanka in the United Nations General Assembly won the Special Mention Award.

10. Shlok Agarwal representing Malasiya in the United Nations Human Rights Council won the Verbal Mention Award.

11. Shreyansh Singhal representing Croatia in the United Nations Security Council won the Verbal Mention Award.

Additionally, Aryan Chowdhury and Suyash Shukla were nominated to the Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary General.

Suyash Shukla represented the Houthi Rebel Group of Yemen in the Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary General and won the prestigious ‘Secretary General’s Best Delegate Award.’


Investiture Ceremony 2022-23

‘Leaders are not born but are made by their experiences in life.’

To don the mantle of leadership and to acknowledge the budding leaders, the investiture ceremony for the session 2022-23 was held on the 16th of July, 2022, at East Terrace. The ceremony started with a chapel service for the installation of pupil authorities. Following this, the procession of authorities – led by the College Captain, Vivaan Rastogi – marched upto the embankment stage, with Captains and Vice-Captains upholding the flags of their respective houses. The captains, along with the prefects administered an oath, promising that they would carry out their duties with integrity, faith, and excellence, abiding by the college motto – Labore-et-Constantia.

The program concluded with the pledge carried out by our College captain followed by the College song and then the National Anthem. Thereafter, the parents, teachers and the pupils authorities proceeded to the Principal’s lawn for high tea and refreshments. The principal congratulated the newly appointed office bearers, and the day ended on a joyous note with the boys celebrating their success and creating memories by clicking photos.


Hindi Editorial Board 2022-2023

The following students were felicitated as the member of the Hindi Editorial Board for the session 2022-2023. (The Martiniere Post as well as Constantia – The Annual Magazine) :

Editor: Parv Johar

Co-Editors: Parth Agnihotri and Urdhav Singh

Secretary: Vivaan rastogi

Media Secretary: Aastik Gupta


  • Pranjal Tandon
  • Divyansh Kapoor
  • Aksh Deep Singh Sodhi
  • Shivansh Sahu
  • Abir Bajaj
  • Kushagra V. Jain
  • Harjot Singh Lamba
  • Devansh Gaur
  • Ankur Basnet
  • Harsh Kapoor

English Editorial Board 2022-2023

The members of the English Editorial Board 2022-2023 were decorated this morning for their contribution towards The Martiniere Post. The members of the team include:

Editor: Ronit Singh

Co-editors: Ahsan Ahmad and Laaraib Anwaar

Media Secretary: Aabhas Tiwari

Graphic Designer: Aakarya Sharma


  • Devansh Agarwal

  • Dhruv Dieo Bhalla

  • Krish Mirpuri

  • Naman Mehta

  • Neel Sharma

  • Rachit Raaj Sharma

  • Troy Thomas


Notice No 73 (6 to 8)

Click to view : Notice_No_73_(6 to 8)


Notice No 72 (1 to 5)

Click to view: Notice_No_72_(1 to 5)


College Notice No. 71

Click to view : College Notice No. 71



Bastille Day, the national day of France, is celebrated each year on the 14th of July.

Owing to its French roots, La Martiniere College, Lucknow’s tradition of hosting a French assembly every year on Bastille Day goes long back. We take great pride in doing so as a tribute to our founder – Major General Claude Martin – who was originally from Lyon, France. This year, the French assembly was conducted with much more excitement as it was being held after two whole years due to the pandemic.

The Indian and French national flags swayed side by side at the east terrace as we began the assembly with our college prayer being said in French, further translated into English. This was followed by the recital of the pledge with the same pattern of French, followed by its translation. Boys celebrating their birthday were sung in French, making their day a lot more memorable. Subsequently, the host of the assembly, S. M. Ayaan Rizvi, educated us about the significance of the day by explaining to us the significance of the motto ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’, which was used during the time of the French Revolution.

The assembly concluded with the French national anthem followed by the Indian

National anthem. Our principal took a moment to recognize the students’ efforts who

conducted the assembly smoothly.


Middle School Spell Bee

The middle school spell bee competition was held on the 6th, 7th and 8th of July,2022.

The following boys were declared the winners of the Spell Bee – 2022.

CLASS 6- TANUSH DIXIT from section E

CLASS 7 – YASUB ALI RAZA from section B



Notice No 70

Click to View : Notice No 70


Notice No 67

Click to view : Notice No 67


Annual Training Camp for NCC

The Combined Annual Training Camp for NCC Air Wing cadets was held from 12th June, 2022
to 21st June, 2022 at La Martiniere College, Lucknow.
26 Air Wing cadets attended this camp. The cadets conducted themselves well, maintained a high level of discipline and took an active part in all camp activities.
The following cadets were awarded medals during the various competitions held during the camp:
1.Gurjas Singh and Ritvik Jhingran stood Second in Aeromodelling.
2. Syed Arham Hameed stood Second in the Debate Competition.
3. Ayan Sharma stood Second in Hindi Elocution.
(Cadets to come in quick succession to receive their camp certificates.)
1. Adhikansh Joshi
2. Shaswat Upadhyay
3. Shivansh Rai
4. Gurjas Singh
5. Swastik Somwanshi
6. Ark kapoor
7. Srijan Gupta
8. Mohammad Abdul Kabir
9. Aaradhya Pandey
10. Nityam Krishna
11. Rudresh Singh
12. Mudit Singh
13. Daksh Shukla
14. Arjun Arora
15. Azeem Husain
16. Abdullah Husain
17. Ritvik Jhingran
18. Arnav Emmanuel Verma
19. Yashasvi Bandhu Pandey
20. Mahfooz
21. Syed Arham Hameed
22. Prathmesh Singh
23. Vyom Tiwari
24. Arbaaz Haneef Sheikh
25. Adwaya Srivastava
26. Ayan Sharma


Shooting Championships

Happy to announce that Rajveer Sarna was awarded a gold medal and two silver medals in the recent 15th pre State shooting championships.
In addition 4 boys of the shooting team have qualified to represent the State. They are:
Akshar Mishra, Arak Kapoor, Kushagra Khare and Abban Aslam.
The photograph shows Rajveer Sarna with Shooting Coach, Mr Vikas Tomar.


Creative Fest (2022)

Click link below to view : Creative Fest (2022) – An online

competition of original cinema productions


College Memorial Hall

Names to be inscribed on tablets commemorating men decorated by the President for distinguished service in the Forces are ready. There are likely to be a few omissions, which shall be rectified when authenticated. Current statistics of Presidential decorations (1950 – 2022) are as follows:

Civilian  6
Gallantry  21 (Separate list)
Distinguished Service   61


Group Captain David Eugene Bouché, AVSM (1966)

Personal No. 2233

Commodore Garnet Milton Shea, AVSM (1968)

Personal No. 1987

Major General Frank Dalton Larkins, PVSM (1972)

Personal No. 1375 (Martin)

Commodore Garnet Milton Shea, AVSM Bar (1972)

Personal No. 1987

Air Commodore John Jasper Napoleon Bouché, AVSM (1972)

Personal No. 2231

Group Captain Kenneth Hubert Larkins, AVSM (1972)

Personal No. 2021 (Martin)

Colonel Ravindra Pratap Grover, VSM (1972)

Personal No. 3486 (Cornwallis)

Flying Officer Ranjan Bhattacharya, VSM (1972)

Personal No. 4577 (Martin)

Wing Commander Jeffry D’Souza, VM (1984)

Personal No. 4211 (Lyons)

Captain Sanjay Agarwal, SM (1984)

Personal No. 7185 (Cornwallis)

Brigadier Surender Kumar Jetley, AVSM (1985)

Personal No. 3235 (Cornwallis)

Wing Commander Harbans Perminder Singh, VSM (1985)

Personal No. 3653 (Lyons)

Brigadier Richard Satish Khare, VSM (1985)

Personal No. 3724 (Cornwallis)

Air Commodore Denzil George Keelor, AVSM (1986)

Personal No. 3331 (Hodson)

Captain (IN) Rajendra Shah, VSM (1986)

Personal No. 3316 (Martin)

Squadron Leader Kunwar Jai Singh, YSM (1988)

Personal No. 5129 (Lyons)

Air Vice Marshal Denzil George Keelor, PVSM (1989)

Personal No. 3331 (Hodson)

Wing Commander Yashwant Rao Rane, VM (1990)

Personal No. 4282 (Martin)

Group Captain Ajit Bhavnani, AVSM (1991)

Personal No. 4250 (Hodson)

Colonel Promit Roy, SM (1995)

Personal No. 4749 (Hodson)

Lieutenant General Surender Kumar Jetley PVSM (1998)

Personal No. 3235 (Cornwallis)

Lieutenant General Yuvraj Kumar Mehta, AVSM (1998)

Personal No. 3342 (Hodson)

Brigadier Manmohan Singh Baidwan, VSM (1998)

Personal No. 3707 (Cornwallis)

Lieutenant General Yuvraj Kumar Mehta, PVSM (2000)

Personal No. 3342 (Hodson)

Major General Mohinder Puri, UYSM (2000)

Personal No. 4079

Colonel Rajesh Pant, VSM (2000)

Personal No. 4820 (Hodson)

Major General Vijay Krishna, AVSM (2001)

Personal No. 3371 (Martin)

Major General Richard Satish Khare, AVSM (2002)

Personal No. 3724 (Cornwallis)

Air Commodore Yashwant Rao Rane, AVSM (2002)

Personal No. 4282 (Martin)

Major General Brijendra Cornelius, VSM (2002)

Personal No. 3487 (Cornwallis)

Colonel Pradeep Kumar Singh, VSM (2002)

Personal No. 5455 (Martin)

Major General Manmohan Singh Baidwan, VSM (Bar) (2003)

Personal No. 3707 (Cornwallis)

Brigadier Rajiv Enoch Williams, YSM (2003)

Personal No. 4622 (Lyons)

Rear Admiral Gobind Singh, VSM

Personal No. 3720 (Cornwallis)

Lieutenant General Richard Satish Khare, PVSM (2004)

Personal No. 3724 (Cornwallis)

Lieutenant General Mohinder Puri, PVSM (2005)

Personal No. 4079

Air Marshal Ajit Bhavnani, PVSM (2005)

Personal No. 4250 (Hodson)

Brigadier Harinder Pal Singh Klair, SM (2005)

Personal No. 4332 (Cornwallis)

Brigadier Chetinder Singh, VSM (2005)

Personal No. 4329 (Hodson)

Major General Jayakrishnan Jayaram, AVSM (2006)

Personal No. 4252 (Martin)

Brigadier Jatinder Singh Bajwa, SM (2006)

Personal No. 4983 (Hodson)

Major General Chetinder Singh, SM (2007)

Personal No. 4329 (Hodson)

Air Marshal Yashwant Rao Rane, PVSM (2008)

Personal No. 4282 (Martin)

Major General Mahesh Chander Badhani, VSM (2008)

Personal No. 4673 (Cornwallis)

Lieutenant General Jayakrishnan Jayaram, PVSM (2009)

Personal No. 4252 (Martin)

Major General Jatinder Singh Bajwa, UYSM (2009)

Personal No. 4983 (Hodson)

Lieutenant General Chetinder Singh, AVSM (2010)

Personal No. 4329 (Hodson)

Brigadier Pradeep Kumar Singh, YSM (2010)

Personal No. 5455 (Martin)

Brigadier Chandra Prakash, VSM (2010)

Personal No. 5301 (Cornwallis)

Lieutenant General Mahesh Chander Badhani, PVSM (2011)

Personal No. 4673 (Cornwallis)

Lieutenant General Harinder Pal Singh Klair, AVSM (2011)

Personal No. 4332 (Cornwallis)

Lieutenant General Baljeet Singh, VSM (2011)

Personal No. 6635 (Lyons)

Brigadier Mohammed Haider Rizvi, VSM (2012)

Personal No. 5813 (Martin)

Lieutenant General Jatinder Singh Bajwa, PVSM (2013)

Personal No. 4983 (Hodson)

Lieutenant General Rajesh Pant, AVSM (2013)

Personal No. 4820 (Hodson)

Lieutenant General Sanjiv Talwar, AVSM (2013)

Personal No. 6225 (Lyons)

Lieutenant General Rajesh Pant, PVSM (2015)

Personal No.4820 (Hodson)

Brigadier Pushpendra Pal Singh, SM (2015)

Personal No. 8042 (Hodson)

Lieutenant General Sanjiv Talwar, PVSM (2017)

Personal No. 6225 (Lyons)

Major General Bipin Puri, VSM (2017)

Personal No. 5285 (Cornwallis)

Brigadier Sanjay Kumar Vidyarthi, SM (2017)

Personal No. 6669 (Lyons)

Lieutenant General Bipin Puri, PVSM (2019)

Personal No. 5285 (Cornwallis)

Group Captain Anubhav Tripathi, VM (2019)

Personal No. 10908 (Martin)

Major General Pushpendra Pal Singh SM (Bar) (2021)

Personal No. 8042 (Hodson)



Flying Officer Desmond Eric Pushong, VrC (1950)

Personal No. 1894

Flying Officer Dennis Oman Barty, VrC (1950)

Personal No. 2014

Flight Lieutenant John Jasper Napoleon Bouché, M-in-D (1951)

Personal No. 2231

Squadron Leader Trevor Keelor, VM (Gallantry) (1964)

Personal No. 3332 (Hodson)

Flight Lieutenant Alfred Tyrone Cooke, VrC (1965)

Personal No. 3213 (Lyons)

Squadron Leader Denzil Keelor, VrC (1965)

Personal No. 3331 (Hodson)

Squadron Leader Trevor Keelor, VrC (1965)

Personal No. 3332 (Hodson)

Major Surender Kumar Jetley, SM (Gallantry) (1972)

Personal No. 3235 (Cornwallis)

Flight Lieutenant Harbans Perminder Singh, VrC (1972)

Personal No. 3653 (Lyons)

2nd Lieutenant Rajendra Singh, SM (Gallantry) (1972)

Personal No. 4474 (Martin)

Group Captain Denzil Keelor, KC (1979)

Personal No. 3331 (Hodson)

Captain Sanjay Agarwal, SM Bar (Gallantry) (1986)

Personal No. 7185 (Cornwallis)

Lieutenant Arvind Singh, MVC (1987)

Personal No. 7364 (Lyons)

Mr Dushyant Singh, PPMG (1987)

Personal No. 6958 (Hodson)

Wing Commander Ajit Bhavnani (1987) VM (Gallantry)

Personal No. 4250 (Hodson)

Brigadier Rajiv Enoch Williams, M-in-D (1987)

Personal No. 4622 (Lyons)

Squadron Leader Kunwar Jaishiv Singh, YSM (Gallantry) (1988)

Personal No. 5129 (Lyons)

Captain Pradeep Kumar Singh, SM (Gallantry) (1990)

Personal No. 5455 (Martin)

Captain Arvind Singh, NM (Gallantry) (1993)

Personal No. 7364 (Lyons)

Major Tushar Gauba, KC (2018)

Personal No. 11399 (Lyons)


1st Edition of Ranchi MUN

A delegation of 6 boys participated in the first edition of Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi Model United Nations.

Devvrat Tilak served as the Head Delegate for this conference.

The following boys performed exceptionally well and won awards:

  1. Devvrat Tilak representing the Kingdom of Norway in United Nations High Comissioner for Refugees won the High Commendation award.
  2. Shaurya Rautela representing the Federative Republic of Brazil participated in the United Nations General Assembly (DISEC) Won the High Commendation award.
  3. Adit Joshi representing the Republic of Indonesia in High Comissioner for Refugees won the Special Mention award.
  4. Ritvik Jhingran representing United Mexican states participated in the United Nations High Comissioner for Refugees.
  5. Samridh Gupta representing the Republic of India participated in the United Nations General Assembly (DISEC).
  6. Siddharth Srivastava representing the Kingdom of Spain participated in the United Nations General Assembly (DISEC).
  7. Atharva Jain representing the Republic of South Africa participated in the United Nations Security Council.

The delegation from La Martiniere College, Lucknow won the Best Delegation award.


9th Edition – Claude Martin Debates & The Boulone Lise Quiz!

La Martiniere Extra-curricular Organisation (LEO) presents to you the official teaser release for the 9th edition of The Claude Martin International Debates & The Boulone Lise Quiz!

4th – 6th August, 2022.

Stay tuned for further updates!




#debates #quizzes #LEO #internationaldebates #onlinequiz #LaMartiniereCollege

#LaMartiniereExtracurricularOrganization #skills #participate #virtualedition #debating #quizzing #bestdebates #internationalquiz #showyourskills #testyourknowledge #students #event #claudemartindebate #boulonelisequiz #online #virtual


Link for the Instagram handle-

Teaser Release Claude Martin Debates & The Boulone Lise Quiz!



College Memorial Hall

Tablets commemorating Gallantry and Distinguished Public Service have been added to the College Memorial Hall. The contribution of men decorated by the President for distinguished service now needs to be added.

Below is a list of alumni who have received awards for distinguished service in the armed forces. The list may not be complete. I would request that you add to the list and/or provide leads that may be verified through the internet and other sources.

In addition, it would be proper if the correct RANK is given at the time of the presentation of the award. This in a few cases in this list is incorrect. The YEAR in which the award was presented would also need to be verified.



Air Vice Marshal John Jasper Bouche, Mention in Despatch (1951)

Air Commodore David Eugene Bouche, AVSM (1966)

Commodore Garnet Milton Shea, AVSM & Bar (1972)

Air Vice Marshal John Jasper Bouche, AVSM (1972)

Group Captain Kenneth Hubert Larkins, AVSM (1972)

Wing Commander Harbans Perminder Singh, VSM (1985)

Air Commodore Denzil Keelor, AVSM (1986)

Air Vice Marshal Denzil Keelor, PVSM (1989)

Air Marshal Ajit Bhavnani, AVSM (1991)

Colonel Rajesh Pant, VSM (2000)

Major General Brijendra Cornelius, VSM (2002)

Major General Manmohan Singh Baidwan, VSM (Bar) (2003)

Brigadier Rajiv Enoch Williams, YSM (2003)

Air Marshal Ajit Bhavnani, PVSM (2005)

Lieutenant General Harinder Pal Singh Klair, SM (2005)

Brigadier Chetinder Singh, VSM (2005)

Major General Chetinder Singh, SM (2007)

Major General Mahesh Chander Badhani, VSM (2008)

Lieutenant General Chetinder Singh, AVSM (2010)

Brigadier Chandra Prakash, VSM (2010)

Lieutenant General Mahesh Chander Badhani, PVSM (2011)

Lieutenant General Harinder Pal Singh Klair, AVSM (2011)

Lieutenant General Baljeet Singh, VSM (2011)

Lieutenant General Rajesh Pant, AVSM (2013)

Lieutenant General Sanjiv Talwar, AVSM (2013)

Lieutenant General Rajesh Pant, PVSM (2015)

Brigadier Pushpendra Pal Singh, SM (2015)

Lieutenant General Sanjiv Talwar, PVSM (2017)

Major General Bipin Puri, VSM (2017)

Lieutenant General Bipin Puri, PVSM (2019)

Group Captain Anubhav Tripathi, VM (2019)

Major General Pushpendra Pal Singh SM (Bar) (2021)


La Martiniere Leo

Presenting to you, the core team of La Martiniere Extra-Curricular Organisation (2022-23).

Stay tuned and follow the page, the best is yet to come!

Instagram handle:

